Resources for older version of p:IGI+

This page contains resources that could be useful for older versions of p:IGI+. We maintain these here for completeness, but advise working with the most recent version of p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ 2.3 and above This zipped file includes a demo project containing two different sets of data. There is a set of rock data (3504 samples) from 10 Canadian East Coast wells. There is also a set of liquids (55 oils & 3 condensates) distributed more widely across the world. With a range of artefacts and some example map shp files, this is a good place to start exploring p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ The demo project in a format suitable for version and higher. This is not expected to work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ The demo project in a format suitable for version and higher. This is not expected to work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ The demo project in a format suitable for version and higher. This is not expected to work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ The demo project file for version and higher. This will not work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ The demo project file for version and higher. This will not work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.14.x (November 2018) The demo project file for version and higher. This will not work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.13.x (August 2018) This is the demo project file for versions 1.13.0 and up. This project will not work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.11.x (May 2018) This is the demo project file updated to (and later versions). This project will not work with earlier p:IGI+ releases.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.9.x (January 2018) This is the demo project file updated to (and later versions). We do not guarantee this project will work with earlier p:IGI+ releases.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.7.2+ (August 2017) This is the demo project updated for version 1.7.2 and later versions. This version includes statistics and will not work with earlier versions of p:IGI+.

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version (April 2017) This is the demo project updated to (and later versions). It builds on the previous demo project, but includes some new features, in particular parallel coordinate plots.

Version 1.1.x, 1.2.x (2016)

Resources for versions released in 2016

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project for version 1.1.3 and 1.2.1 (July / Nov 2016) A demo project consisting of 6 wells off Eastern Canada, including graphs, sample sets, and other artefacts.

Version 1.0.x (Feb 2015, Nov 2015)

Resources for versions released in 2015

Click to download p:IGI+ User Guide (Oct 2015) The user guide for release version 1.0.3545.2, October 2015

Click to download p:IGI+ demo project (Feb 2015) A demo project file with data from 5 wells in Eastern Canada, compiled for the release in February 2015