p:IGI+ downloads
Downloads to assist clients working with p:IGI+
Other downloadable information:
Click to download Demo project for p:IGI+ 2.5 and above This zip file includes a demo project containing two different sets of data. There is a set of rock data (3504 samples) from 10 Canadian East Coast wells. There is also a set of liquids (55 oils & 3 condensates) distributed more widely across the world. With a range of artefacts and some example map shp files, this is a good place to start exploring p:IGI+.
We have updated the UK public geochemistry data release to be compatible with p:IGI+2.5. These are split into 5 files which are provided as a single zip file which can be downloaded here.
Other resources are available for download, and this resource will grow as we create more useful artefacts and templates. These include:
Resources for previous versions of p:IGI+ are still available.