Technical Notes
Approximately every 6 to 8 weeks IGI will publish a concise “Technical Note” here on our website, which we hope will be of interest to our clients, or indeed anyone interested in petroleum geochemistry and petroleum systems analysis. These short documents will cover a wide range of topics within the fields of oil & gas geochemistry, petroleum source rocks, basin modelling, and even aspects of our software packages. The first of these appeared on our website in January 2016. Please come back regularly to check for new additions. The Technical Notes published so far can be found listed below, and also on our News Page as they are released.
40. Modelling Migration of CO2 in Fractures Basalt Reservoirs – Preliminary Testing of a Novel Multi-physics Reactive-Flow Model
By Marianne Nuzzo, Tiago Cunha, Shubhangi Gupta, Ewa Burwicz-Galerne and Christophe Galerne (July 2024)
39. Under pressure – the importance of pressure when thermally calibrating basin models
By David Gardiner (March 2024)
39. Under pressure – the importance of pressure when thermally calibrating basin models
38. Looking at Gas Chromatograms
with Paul Farrimond (December 2023)
Click to download 38. Looking at Gas Chromatograms
37. Modelling Hydrogen Migration and Trapping – PHASE 1
by Tiago Cunha et a. (September 2023)
Click to download 37. Modelling Hydrogen Migration and Trapping – PHASE 1
36. The use of Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in oil spill forensic geochemistry
by Marianne Nuzzo (July 2023)
35. Lack of biodegradation in some cool shallow oilfields: Palaeopasteurisation
by Paul Farrimond (March 2023)
Click to download 35. Lack of biodegradation in some cool shallow oilfields: Palaeopasteurisation
34. Methylhopanes: Biomarkers for Oil Source Correlation
by Paul Farrimond (October 2022)
Click to download 34. Methylhopanes: Biomarkers for Oil Source Correlation
33. What are age-diagnostic biomarkers?
by Paul Farrimond (July 2022)
Click to download 33. What are age-diagnostic biomarkers?
32. Uncertainty and Variability in Geology
by Dan Cornford (May 2022)
Click to download 32. Uncertainty and Variability in Geology
31. Upper Jurassic source rock overview: UK and Norway North Sea
by Paul Farrimond (March 2022)
Click to download 31. Upper Jurassic source rock overview: UK and Norway North Sea
30. Patterns in the mind - Part 2
by Dan Cornford (January 2022)
Click to download 30. Cornford_Clustering Part 2
29. The extinction of machine learning?
by Dan Cornford (December 2021)
Click to download 29. Cornford_The extinction of machine learning?
28. Patterns in the mind – Part 1
by Dan Cornford (October 2021)
Click to download 28. Cornford_Clustering Part 1
27. How the “Rayleigh fractionation effect” is used to model the source and maturity of hydrocarbon gases: principles and potential problems
by Marianne Nuzzo and Mischa Gehlen (August 2021)
Click to download 27. Isotopes Gas Geochemistry
26. Biomarkers in kerogen
by Paul Farrimond (April 2021)
Click to download 26. Biomarkers in kerogen
25. Forensic use of diagnostic biomarker ratios in environmental oil spill geochemistry
by Marianne Nuzzo and Mischa Gehlen (February 2021)
Click to download 25. Forensic Oil Geochemistry
24. Modelling for comfort or comfort from modelling?
by David Gardiner (September 2020)
Click to download 24. Modelling for comfort or comfort from modelling?
23. Detection of micro-seepage of deep-sourced fluids by modelling geochemical and heat flow signals
by Marianne Nuzzo (July 2020)
22. Geochemistry of oils in the Wessex Basin, UK
by Paul Farrimond (May 2020)
Click to download 22. Geochemistry of oils in the Wessex Basin, UK
21. Rearranged hopanes in petroleum geochemistry
by Paul Farrimond (March 2020)
Click to download 20. Rearranged hopanes in petroleum geochemistry
20. Combining petroleum systems modelling approaches to de-risk frontier rift basins: an application to the Namibe Basin, off southern Angola
by Tiago Cunha (January 2020)
Click to download 20. Combining petroleum systems modelling: Namibe Basin, off southern Angola
19. The importance of igneous intrusions and basement composition on the timing of petroleum generation
by David Gardiner (October 2019)
Click to download 19. Igneous intrusions and basement composition
18. Maturity signals in oils: Natural & predictable variability between compound classes
by Paul Farrimond (August 2019)
Click to download 18 Maturity signals in oils
17. The use of 28,30-Bisnorhopane as a stratigraphic marker
by Laura Garner (June 2019)
Click to download 17 The use of 28,30-Bisnorhopane as a stratigraphic marker
16. Sulfur-rich (Type II-S) source rocks and associated hydrocarbons
by Laura Garner (March 2019)
Click to download 16. Sulfur-rich (Type II-S) source rocks and associated hydrocarbons
15. A review of oil geochemistry in the UK North Sea
by Akinniyi Akinwumiju (November 2018)
Click to download 15 A review of oil geochemistry in the UK North Sea
14. ‘Maturity contradictions’: Migration-contamination in crude oil
By Laura Garner (September 2018)
Click to download 14. ‘Maturity contradictions’: Migration-contamination in crude oil
13. Distinguishing Evaporative Fractionation and Biodegradation of Petroleum – An example from West of Shetland (UK)
By Marianne Nuzzo (July 2018)
Click to download 13. Evaporative Fractionation and Biodegradation of Petroleum
12. Petroleum Systems in Oceanic-Transitional Crust: an example from the SW Africa Margin
By Tiago Cunha (January 2018)
Click to download 12. Oceanic Basement Petroleum Systems
11. Geochemical surveys of sub-marine hydrocarbon seeps in petroleum exploration
By Marianne Nuzzo (November 2017)
Click to download 11. Seep Geochemistry
10. Total Organic Carbon estimates from wireline logs - Part #2
By Andrew Green (September 2017)
Click to download 10. TOC estimates from wireline logs - Part 2
9. Total Organic Carbon estimates from wireline logs - Part #1
By Andrew Green (July 2017)
Click to download 9. TOC estimates from wireline logs - Part 1
8. The Petroleum Geochemist's Inorganic Toolkit: Rhenium and Osmium isotopes
By David Gardiner (May 2017)
Click to download 8. Rhenium Osmium in Petroleum
7. Assessing Basins’ Petroleum Systems rapidly with 1-D Pseudo-well Modelling
By Tiago Cunha (March 2017)
Click to download 7. Assessing Basins’ Petroleum Systems rapidly with 1-D Pseudo-well Modelling
6. Source-characteristic information preserved in hopane carbon number composition
By Paul Farrimond (January 2017)
Click to download 6. Source-characteristic information preserved in hopane carbon number composition
5. Alternative Source Rocks in the Norwegian sea - Potentially Cretaceous sourced hydrocarbons in the Møre and Vøring Basins
By Laura Garner (October 2016)
Click to download 5. Alternative source rocks in the Norwegian sea
4. Expansion of the p:IGI+ SARA property model
By Andrew Green (July 2016)
Click to download 4. Expansion of the p:IGI+ SARA property model
3. Are coals oil-prone or gas-prone source rocks?
By David Gardiner (June 2016)
Click to download 3. Are coals oil-prone or gas-prone source rocks?
2. Permian-sourced oil in the Norwegian Barents Sea
By Paul Farrimond (March 2016)
Click to download 2. Permian-sourced oil in the Norwegian Barents Sea
1. Waxy oils from lacustrine source rocks
By Paul Farrimond (January 2016)
Click to download 1. Waxy oils from lacustrine source rocks