Artefact Templates



Artefact Templates are the mode by which artefacts are transferred/shared between projects  and p:IGI+ users.

Version: p:IGI+ 1.7.2 and (Aug 2017, Jan 2018)

Usage:  Right Click on any appropriate Artefact Manager Artefact -->  Export as Template... , Project --> Import Template

How to use in practice

Artefact Templates

Artefact Templates are the mode by which project artefacts are transferred/shared between projects and p:IGI+ users.

At present certain artefacts from the Artefact Manager can be exported as a saved templates and imported into a new instance of p:IGI+:

This is also the primary way to transfer/share created personal or company specific project properties. The creation and export of a page, graph, palette or statistic summary template which contains that project property in one project, will see the property in question created in the new project on import of the template.

Exporting Saved Artefact Templates

From the Artefact Manger right click on any of the appropriate artefacts (listed above) and right click and select Export as Template... to save the artefact template.

Importing an Artefact Template

Loading an artefact template into either a new instance of p:IGI+ or another p:IGI+ project, occurs by opening p:IGI+ and importing the saved artefact template via Project --> Import Template... and Open once selected.

This action of adding a template to a p:IGI+ project can be seen by viewing the application Journal which records all the undo/redo actions (Edit --> view Journals...).

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