Norwegian Continental Shelf geochemical database updated
We are pleased to announce that the latest update of the quality-assured geochemical database for the Norwegian Continental Shelf is now complete.
For this update, IGI’s data team compiled and added new geochemical data for 360 samples, including new data adjacent to areas awarded in the latest APA license round. The full database now contains data for over 126,000 samples from ~1,260 wells, and is up to date to early January 2024.
Following the recent name change of the NPD to Norwegian Offshore Directorate, the database can now be accessed here:
For our p:IGI+ users who have been accessing the data straight from p:IGI+, make sure to right click and "Save Link As" the updated settings file here: NOD Metis
This file can then be added via the Metis - Set Metis Server dialog in p:IGI+.