Data Sorting
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There are a number of reasons why the user may want to change the order in which samples appear in a spreadsheet and to perform a ‘sort’ is an easy task.
Version: p:IGI+ 1.7.2 and (Aug 2017, Jan 2018)
Usage: Page --> Sort across all pages
How to use in practice
The order of project data across all pages is conducted using a maximum of 3 sort levels. Sort can be accessed via the appropriate toolbar icon or the main updown menu.
The Analysis and Property search tools are used to select appropriate text or numerical properties against which the data is sorted. Properties used to sort the data can not be taken from the .Any analysis group.
Chosen properties can be place into Ascending or Descending order. Relating to a text property Ascending = Alphabetical. Relating to a numerical property Ascending = smallest value first.
Once satisfied with the sort criteria, as suggesting in the feature name, the sort is then applied globally across all pages.
After the data is sorted a record of which properties were sorted on and in which hierarchical order is presented in the property headers of relevant properties.
Clear Sort
Once you have finished with your sort you can either:
- Sort on new criteria using the above method (your previous sort criteria will be remembered if the sort window was closed)
- Clear the sort (Page --> sorting across all pages... or use the toolbar shortcut icon) returning data to the default project database order i.e. entry Row ID number.
Always clear the sort before importing new / additional data into a p:IGI+ project.
Video tutorials
Non Available