Creating a Scatter Plot
One of the most versatile and common interpretative plots in p:IGI+, the scatter plot allows the cross-plotting of two numerical properties against one another.
Version: p:IGI+ 1.7.2+ (Aug 2017)
Usage: Graph --> New Graph --> New scatter plot...
How to use in practice
Scatter Plot Creation
The scatter plot creation dialogue window for a scatter plot requires 2 inputs for creation:
- Property 1 (X / Horizontal axis) - A numeric geochemical property with associated indicator, unit and ratio where appropriate.
- Property 2 (Y / Vertical axis) - A numeric geochemical property with associated indicator, unit and ratio where appropriate.
Both axes can be displayed using a log scale (when the values are strictly positive), and the Y / Vertical axis can be inverted to create a pseudo-depth plot (without the depth datum reference), or to represent properties that are more usefully shown as inverted.
Both properties are selected using the standard Property Selector present throughout p:IGI+.
Once the graph has been created properties, axis ranges & scales can be managed through the Axes tab in Graph Manager.
Graph interpretative layers, or 'overlays', will be covered in another section of the user guide.
Video tutorials
None Available