Tiago Cunha
Senior Petroleum Geochemist/Basin Modeller
Tiago joined IGI in 2013. He has a degree in Geology from Lisbon University (Portugal, 1998) and a PhD in Marine Geophysics from Oxford University (UK, 2008). During this period there was also the opportunity to get involved in a variety of marine geology-geophysics research projects, including offshore field work in the SW Iberia Margin, the Azores and Mid-Atlantic ridge, and NE Brazil.
Later, during his postdoctoral fellowship at LNEG and IPMA (Portugal), Tiago focus on the study of rift processes, the structure and evolution of passive continental margins, and plate boundary neotectonics. He also lectured the course of Basin Dynamics at Lisbon University (geophysics master) between 2010 and 2012.
Since 2013, Tiago has specialized in basin and petroleum systems modelling, working in a variety of tectonic settings, and helping exploration teams to de-risk their plays and prospects in sedimentary basins around the world. Tiago has also recently joined IGI’s net-zero efforts, to support O&G companies during the energy transition.
When not working, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling and in outdoor activities.