Paul Farrimond
Director & Technical Advisor
Paul Farrimond has a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Geology and Chemistry (1983) and a Ph.D. in Organic Geochemistry (1987) from the University of Bristol, UK. His Ph.D. and subsequent Post-Doctoral research (1987-1988) concerned the application of molecular geochemistry to understanding past sedimentary depositional environments and climate change. He was a Lecturer then Senior Lecturer in Geochemistry at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, focusing on research into the application of biomarkers in petroleum geochemistry and biogeochemistry. Having undertaken a number of research and consultancy projects with oil companies, and deciding he enjoyed applying his skills to applied petroleum exploration problems, Paul left academia in 2005 to join IGI.
Now a Director, Paul provides technical advice and input to various aspects of IGI’s business.
His particular expertise is in molecular petroleum geochemistry, including oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation, petroleum biodegradation and source rock characterisation, and has long experience in biomarker geochemistry including, application of multivariate statistical techniques to molecular geochemical data. He has worked on oils and source rocks from many areas of the world, and his research experience has ranged from Precambrian rocks to modern sediments and even bacteria!