p:IGI-3 Data Import Considerations

When importing p:IGI-3 projects we have made a number of assumptions in order to map data from p:IGI-3 columns across into the p:IGI+ property model.
Usage: Import p:IGI-3 data... --> Stage 1 of 2: p:IGI-3 file overview
How to use in practice
Considerations for p:IGI-3 Data Import
When importing data from p:IGI-3 data to p:IGI+, which possess different data models, the proposed mapping of default p:IGI-3 properties which is presented during import has made numerous assumptions. Users will have the opportunity to consider these links, decide if they are fit for purpose and edit them if needed during the import process.
Here is a list of the p:IGI-3 link assumptions for the user's consideration:
- All imported p:IGI-3 project data imports and links using p:IGI-3 property base Units Of Measure (UOM) / ratios. There is no need to change the proposed UOM & Ratios links when importing p:IGI-3 data to p:IGI+. All conversions and presentation changes will occur post-import.
- Data pertaining to a sample location is duplicated e.g. Country, linked to both the appropriate Sample and Well analysis group properties. Depending on whether your samples are attached to a well or not, users can un-assign location data from the relevant analysis group if desired.
- Well analysis properties will only be indicated as correctly linked once the Name.Well property is successfully linked. Until then despite a valid link, the link will be indicated as erroneous.
- The p:IGI-3 UTM Zone property successfully links to both the respective SRS code.Sample and SRS code.Well analysis group property. This along with the properties X coord and Y coord are present to store reference information and are not used to spatially map the data. Spatial data is, at present, always assumed to be Lat, Long (WGS84) in its projection.
- p:IGI-3 properties LithoStratigraphy Top, LithoStratigraphy Base, Period Top and Period Base link to p:IGI+ properties Top/Base Lstrat.Geol and Top/Base Cstrat.Geol respectively. Full hierarchical Litho and Chronostratigraphic data can be populated via a p:IGI-3 Well Manager file or Excel file post-import.
- The analytical method used to derive TOC and Pyrolysis data from p:IGI-3 is assumed to be unknown and assigned to the .PyrolUn analysis group. Please reassign to a different analysis group if required.
- p:IGI-3 property PyC6-15 is linked to a newly defined property C6-14.Py-GC.
- Visual Kerogen p:IGI-3 properties %Vit, %Inert and %Diff link to newly defined properties %Vit, %Inert, Diff.VisK-RL with expanded equations. If the raw data is present in the project, user is advised to delete imported values, automatically recalculating the property post import.
- p:IGI+ visual kerogen properties Exin., Vit. & Inert. hold different equation definitions for both the .VisK-TL and .VisK-RL analysis groups based on the sub-groups that can be identified using each analytical approach. Used in Transmitted light analysis group to enable the use .Any analysis group during interpretation.
- Gas data will be imported with the unknown [un] property indicator by default. Other indicators available to the user include mole [mol%], volume [vol%] or mass [mass%] fractions. These can be changed using the bulk change option on the linking screen.
- By default all p:IGI-3 gas data are assumed to be representative of the Total Gas fraction. The user can change the links if the hydrocarbon gas properties are known to represent the Hydrocarbon Gas fraction equivalent. This approach ensures the most appropriate capture of Hydrocarbon gas fraction data from which to derive gas equations.
- p:IGI-3 property C1-C4 is linked to a newly defined p:IGI-3 property HC (C1-C5)/Non-HC.Gas. Here there is an expansion on both the non-hydrocarbon denominator and the hydrocarbon numerator side of the equation. If the raw data is present in the project, the user is advised to delete the imported value, automatically recalculating the property post-import.
- Metadata pertaining to p:IGI-3 Extract analysis page is duplicated, linking to both the Extract and SARA-Un analysis group properties. This is due to the mix of analytical methods present on this p:IGI-3 page.
- High-resolution molecular data will be imported with the unknown [un] property indicator by default. Other indicators available to the user include heights [h], areas [a] or concentrations [ch] or [ca] - use the bulk change option to move your data to e.g. heights if you know it comes from this.
- nC6 – nC11 peak data from p:IGI-3 page Gas Chromatography are assumed to derive from the .Sat-GC analysis group as is the rest of the data on this page. Please reassign the analysis group if required, but be aware of creating a duplicate with properties already assigned to the .WO-GC analysis group from the p:IGI-3 Gasoline page.
- nC6 – nC11 peak data from p:IGI-3 page Gasolines are assumed to derive from the .WO-GC analysis group. Please reassign the analysis group if required, but be aware of creating duplicates with properties already assigned to the .Sat-GC analysis group from the p:IGI-3 Gas Chromatography page.
- IntStd and IS-ppm data on p:IGI-3 pages Gas chromatography, and Gasolines is assigned respectively to IS1.Sat-GC and IS1.WO-GC properties in p:IGI+. IS-ppm data is correctly duplicated populating both the [ca] (concentration area) and [ch] (concentration height) indicator groups.
- IntStd and IS-ppm data on p:IGI-3 pages Steranes, and Terpanes is assigned respectively to IS1, IS2.Sat-GCMS properties in p:IGI+. IS-ppm data is correctly duplicated populating both the [ca] (concentration area) and [ch] (concentration height) indicator groups.
- p:IGI-3 properties 27St217, 28St217, 29St217 are linked to newly defined p:IGI+ properties 27St, 28St, 29St.Sat-GCMS respectively. The equations do not include the property 30St.Sat-GCMS. If the raw data is present in the project, user is advised to delete imported values, automatically recalculating the properties post import.
- p:IGI-3 properties St-Lab, St-Date, St-Quality are linked respectively to p:IGI+ properties Lab., Date. and Quality.Sat-GCMS. Saturate analysis meta-data from the p:IGI-3 properties: Tt-Lab, Tt-Date, Tt-Quality and Mbiom-Lab, Mbiom-Date, Mbiom QC(1-5) are incorrectly linked to the .Geol analysis group creating duplication errors during import. With assignment to the .Sat-GCMS analysis group already taken, IGI suggests excluding these properties during linking.
- Metadata pertaining to the p:IGI-3 Isotopic analysis page is duplicated, linking to both the Isotopes and Gas-Iso analysis group properties. This is due to the mix of analytical methods present on this p:IGI-3 page.
- IntStd and IS-ppm data on p:IGI-3 pages Aromatics, Mono-Aromatic Steroids and Tri-Aromatic Steroids is assigned respectively to IS1, IS2 and IS3.Arom-GCMS properties in p:IGI+. IS-ppm data is correctly duplicated populating both the [ca] (concentration area) and [ch] (concentration height) indicator groups.
- p:IGI-3 properties Arom-Lab, Arom-Date, Arom-Quality are linked respectively to p:IGI+ properties Lab., Date., and Quality.Arom-GCMS. Aromatic analysis meta-data from the p:IGI-3 properties: MAS-Lab, MAS-Date, MAS-Quality and TAS-Lab , TAS-Date , TAS-Quality are incorrectly linked to the .Geol analysis group creating duplication errors during import. With an assignment to the .Arom-GCMS analysis group already taken, IGI suggests excluding these properties during linking.
- p:IGI-3 property TAS29 links to the first eluting TAS29 optical isomer TAS29S.Arom-GCMS given a lack of descriptive information in p:IGI-3 as to the data origin.
- p:IGI-3 properties TAS/MAS and 20+21/tot, are linked to the newly defined p:IGI+ properties TAS/MAS and TAS20+21/tot.Arom-GCMS. If the raw data is present in the project, the user is advised to delete imported values, automatically recalculating the properties post-import.
- p:IGI-3 properties ST, MAS and TAS are linked to the newly defined p:IGI+ properties St/MAS+TAS, MAS/St+TAS, TAS/St+MAS.WO-GCMS respectively. If the raw data is present in the project, the user is advised to recalculate the property post import into p:IGI+. The WO-GCMS analysis group has been used here as it is the only analysis where all data could be present. To view the raw data in the same analysis group MAS and TAS will need to have their Analysis Group changing from Arom-GCMS to WO-GCMS during import linking.
- p:IGI-3 properties IRMS Interp-1, IRMS Interp-2, IRMS Interp-3, IRMS Interp-4, IRMS Interp-5 will not be mapped on import as these properties are not included in the p:IGI+ property model. IGI suggest excluding them during linking. If desired create User Properties to which the properties can be matched.
- p:IGI+ will attempt to auto-link up properties present in p:IGI-3 User Defined Columns. Failing a suitable link user is recommended to either manual link or create a Project Property.
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